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Part of Enhance Academy Trust Encourage - Help - Achieve - Nurture

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Proud Pupils

What Are Proud Pupils? 

Our ‘Proud Pupil’ Programme has been specially created to support our pupils to become the best versions of themselves. 

A pupil will achieve proud pupil status by meeting specific targets in the the following areas:

  • positive behaviour
  • attitude to learning
  • teamwork and co-operation.

The targets are progressive and reflect their age related developmental needs, with each year group working towards a colour of the rainbow. 

When proud pupil status is achieved, the children will receive a certificate (celebrated in Friday worship) and a badge to represent the colour of their year group. 

·                     EY


·                     Year 1


·                     Year 2


·                     Year 3


·                     Year 4


·                     Year 5


·                     Year 6



Children with proud pupil status are able to fulfil more prestigious leadership responsibilities in the classroom and around school.

Children with proud pupil status will receive a half termly treat/reward (organised by the class teacher).

If a child with proud pupil status is placed on an orange report sheet, they will lose their status and will need to complete the orange report successfully to regain their status.

If a child with proud pupil status is placed on a red report sheet, they will lose their status and will need to work towards achieving 2 weeks of their proud pupil status again.