Safeguarding and Child Protection
Here at Christ Church CE Academy our Designated Safeguarding Lead with overall responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs J Connor, Safeguarding & Inclusion Officer.
Other Designated Safeguarding Leads in school are:
Ms M Farrell (Head of School)
Miss K Morgan (Assistant Head Teacher)
At Christ Church CE Academy the health, safety and well-being of every child is our concern. We want to work in partnership with parents and carers to keep all our children healthy, safe and happy. We have a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy in place. If you wish to see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please ask at the main office or visit our ‘policies’ page on this website.
Cause for Concern
Here at Christ Church CE Academy we listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. If we have any concerns about their health, safety or well-being we would normally speak to the parent/carer about the concerns before taking further action.
When concerns are shared in this way more often than not there are reasonable explanations and no further action is required. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness or absence to children “disclosing” concerns.
When we think a child is at risk we will refer to Duty and Assessment, Kirklees.
All lateness and absences are recorded using our ‘First Day Calling’ procedures which is incorporated into our safeguarding practice here at Christ Church CE Academy. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored and referrals to the Attendance and Pupil Support Officer or Children Missing in Education team can be made if deemed necessary. Parents /carers are always informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point.
We support the use of the internet by all our children in school. They are taught how to stay safe online both in school and beyond. Click here for further information about e-safety or take a look at our regular monthly e-safety newsletters on our web page.
We are also an Operation Encompass school. Click here for further information and to find out what this means.
Please remember that using social network sites is inappropriate for primary age pupils.