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Part of Enhance Academy Trust Encourage - Help - Achieve - Nurture

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Welcome to Christ Church CE Academy

Our vision, rooted in the words of Jesus (Matthew 19:14), “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” is to provide a safe, happy and caring environment where all pupils are nurtured and valued within a Christian ethos.

To achieve our vision we:

  • provide inspirational and enjoyable learning experiences through a curriculum that is broad, balanced and based on the needs of our children
  • work hard to reach our full potential
  • share each other’s success
  • promote a sense of belonging to our school, local and Church community
  • foster high self-esteem and nurture high aspirations
  • ensure pupils become more confident independent learners
  • provide a safe, warm and welcoming Christian environment within which everyone feels valued and respected
  • develop spirituality, a moral ethos and an appreciation for Christian values
  • enable everyone to grow and blossom into responsible and successful citizens through the firm Christian foundations we provide and an appreciation of national and global communities.

We are a strong team of proud pupils, parents, staff, governors, the Church and the local community. 

Our Christian faith gives rise to our service to God and to the community.  Our core principles are friendship, forgiveness, hope, trust and courage.  These give rise to justice, wisdom and thankfulness.


We look forward to welcoming you to the CCA family.


Nikki Summers                               Margaret Farrell

Executive Headteacher             Head of School


Latest Main School Events

Fare Share18Feb2025

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Celebration Worship21Feb2025

8:50 am - 9:20 am

Fare Share25Feb2025

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Celebration Worship28Feb2025

8:50 am - 9:20 am

Fare Share04Mar2025

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

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