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Part of Enhance Academy Trust Encourage - Help - Achieve - Nurture

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Our Curriculum Intent

At Christ Church CE Academy, our curriculum is designed with the whole child in mind, delivering the National Curriculum whilst being underpinned by our school vision.

Our vision, rooted in the words of Jesus (Matthew 19:14), “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” is to provide a safe, happy and caring environment where all pupils are nurtured and valued within a Christian ethos.

This is the driving force for our dedicated staff to enable them to make a difference to the lives of everybody involved in Christ Church CE Academy.  We are passionate about meeting the needs of all our children as each one is special and unique; each bringing their own experiences to their learning.

To ensure our curriculum fits these needs, we strive to provide inspirational and enjoyable learning experiences through a curriculum that is broad and balanced. However, it also reflects the need to provide our children with experiences outside of the National Curriculum that challenge their thinking and daily experiences outside of school and prepare them for a future in modern Britain as an aspirational, well-rounded and responsible citizen, equipped with skills for life.