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Quick Guide to Attendance Expectations

The school has high expectations for pupils’ attendance and punctuality and ensures that these expectations are communicated regularly to parents and pupils.

Pupils will be expected to attend school punctually every day they are required to be at school, for the full day.


8.40 am:  pupils expected to be on site for doors opening

8.45 am:  pupils to classrooms, register will be marked and lessons begin

Pupils will receive a L (late mark) if they are not in the classroom at this time.

9.15 am:  register will close. 

Pupils will receive a U mark of absence if they do not attend school before this time

Registers will be taken as follows throughout the school day:


  • The afternoon register will be marked by 1:00pm. Pupils will receive a late mark if they are not in their classroom by this time
  • The afternoon register will close 30 minutes later at 1:30pm. Pupils will receive a U mark of absence if they are not present.


Pupils will be encouraged to communicate any concerns related to attendance and absence as soon as possible to the relevant member of staff.


Parents will be required to contact the school office via telephone before 8.45 am on the first day of their child’s absence – they will be expected to provide an explanation for the absence and an estimation of how long the absence will last, for example, one school day.

Where a pupil is absent, and their parent has not contacted the school by 9.15 am (the time the register closes) to report the absence, a member of the office staff will follow first day calling procedures and send a text message to parents asking them to contact school urgently.  If no response is received 1 hour after registration has closed (by 9.45 am) a telephone call will be made to the parent to ascertain the reason for absence.

If no reason for absence has been established by 9.45 am, this absence will be reported to the Head of School. If a child is already receiving multi-agency support, this will also be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and/or allocated social worker. School staff may undertake a home visit.